  • n.  不管谁来都别开门.   Don't open the door, no matter who comes
  • pron.  不管要我接电话, 就说我现在正忙著呢.   Whoever wants to speak to me on the phone, tell them I'm busy
  • v.  两个孩子在较量, 看能把对方瞪得受不了.   The two children were having a competition to see who could stare the other out
  • adj.  人若疲劳都可能出差错.   We're all liable to make mistakes when we're tired
  • n.  今天早晨睡过头了?'她风趣地问.   Who overslept this morning?' She quipped. `
  • v.  今晚做饭? 咱们掷硬币决定吧.   Who's going to cook tonight? Let's toss up
  • adj.  他一心一意想得到晋升, 也劝阻不了他.   He's intent on getting promotion, and no one's going to stop him
  • adj.  他不在场时, 将由主持播放他的节目(如电视节目)?   while he's away?
  • v.  他今天情绪很坏, 跟说话都动气.   everyone
  • v.  他们抛转硬币来决定开场.   They spun a coin to decide who should start, ie threw it spinning in the air to see which side was uppermost when it landed
  • adv.  他们知道那幅画是膺品. 而且还知道是仿画的.   They knew the painting was a forgery. Moreover, they knew who had painted it
  • n.  他们也不懂得失火时要关上门.   None of them had the nous to shut the door when the fire broke out
  •   他们邀请谁了?   Whom did they invite?
  • v.  他发觉也没听他讲话, 一气之下就走了.   When he realized nobody was listening to him, he left the room in a fit of pique
  •   他常做出也料不到的事.   He often does things you wouldn't expect him to
  • n.  他是个很有经验的汽车推销员, 一眼就能看出是容易劝说的买主!   He was an experienced car salesman and recognized an easy prospect when he saw one