装Chinese English Phrase:
| - (服装等的)最新式样 the latest fashions
- (水手、渔民等)装针线等零星杂物的提箱 ditty box
- (演员化装用的)油彩 grease paint
- (灌肠机上的)套肠衣装置, 灌肠嘴 casing applier
- (炮)俯仰装置 an elevating gear
- (用)...装饰; (用...)点缀 deck out (with)
- (船、舰等)装有重炮; [喻]成为劲敌; 拥有强有力的论据 carry heavy metal
- (装订如书的)戏票簿 a book of tickets
- (铁路上的信号旗或信号装置)指在危险的位置上 at danger
- v. )建筑物、 汽车、 服装等通常是为某种用途短期使用 a building, car, suit, etc, usually for a short period and for a particular purpose *hire (out
- vt. ..放入小瓶中, 装入小瓶 vial
- vt. ..装在箱内, 把...装箱 hutch
- vt. ..装嵌隅石块), 夹紧 quoin
- vt. ..装檐板 weatherboard
- 20英尺的集装箱 container 20 footer
- 2脉冲计数装置 2 pulse counting assembly