聪Chinese English Phrase:
| - adj. 不聪明的, 愚笨的, 愚蠢的, 不明智的, 轻率的, 欠考虑的, 不慎的, 无智的 unwise
- n. 今年新招入的人看来十分聪明. seem to be quite bright
- adv. 他们一样聪明. They are equally clever
- n. 他们的子女都很聪明. Their offspring are all very clever
- n. 他妻子比他聪明而有风趣, 显得他黯然失色. He is eclipsed by his wife, who is much cleverer and more amusing than he is
- 他把自己说得比实际聪明. He makes himself out to be cleverer than he really is
- n. 他是个圆滑的[狡滑的/精明的/聪明的]人. clever operator
- adj. 他没有妹妹那麽聪明. He's not as quick as his sister
- n. 他确实是我所教过的学生中最聪明的. He is without doubt the cleverest student I've ever taught
- adj. 他聪明是聪明, 但是不怎麽勤奋. He is clever, to be sure, but not very hard-working
- vt. 以智取胜, 比...更精明, 以机智胜过, 比...更聪明, 智胜 outsmart
- adj. 会意的, 心照不宣的, 知道的, 有见识的, 机敏的, 世故的, 狡猾的, 故意的, 自以为无所不知的, 时髦的, 漂亮的, 懂事的, 狡黠的, 机警的, 聪颖的, 精明的 knowing
- n. 你不能不佩服她--她简直聪明到了极点. You've got to hand it to her she's damned clever
- adj. 你以为我会付款未免太自作聪明了吧? Aren't you rather previous in assuming I am going to pay?
- adj. 你很聪明, 能想到带张地图. It was smart of you to bring a map
- adj. 你)回绝他的好意, 这事办的可不聪明. to reject his offer. (