出Chinese English Phrase:
| - (出于责任或礼貌, 暂时地)到场; 出席; 露面 put in one'sappearance
- (出于责任或礼貌, 暂时地)到场; 出席; 露面 put in an appearance
- (出其不意地)出现, 发生 crop up
- (出版社)赠送作者若干册 author's free -pies
- (出门、旅行时)把所能带的东西都带出来了。 Take everything but the kitchen sink.
- (卖出货物时)给足分量; [喻]给予充分的报酬 give full [good] measure
- (卢梭等所主张的)社会契约说, 民约论(20世纪70年代英国工党提出的社会合同) social contract compact
- (原始部落)出战前涂在身上的颜料 war paint
- (古罗马)《西彼拉占语集》; [喻]起初不想买后来反愿出高价收买的东西 sibylline books
- (向下议院)提出预算案 introduce the budget
- (向吹牛出丑的人喝倒彩)好! 棒! 真有一套! What a suck! (=Sucks! Sucks to you!)
- (吓得或羞得说不出话之后)恢复说话了 find one's voice
- (因恐惧或激动)屏息, 连大气也不敢出 bate one's breath
- (在事务所门前贴出通知)直接招工 direct solicitation
- (在卖主门前举行的)旧家具、衣服等的出售 garage [tag, yard] sale
- (在庆祝节日时出现的)好天气 King's[Queen's] weather