Learn Chinese
The most difficult part of learning Chinese is to remember all those blocks of Chinese characters (Hanzi)!
There are about 100 thousand Hanzi in total. Yizitong.com has a database of 75,479 characters. Based on our statistical analysis (shown on the figure to the right),
the most common 1000 Hanzi characters cover 82.38% of analyzed materials (about 100 GB of text data);
the most common 2000 Hanzi cover 93.89%; the most common 2500 Hanzi cover 96.15%; and the most common 3000 Hanzi cover 97.49% of all materials.
In order to read news or books in Chinese, you are required to memorize no more than 3000 Hanzi!
Hanzi can be combined into 420 phonetic words, which are further grouped into 27 phonetic groups.
Yizitong.com proposes a few new approaches of learning Hanzi to you, based on our statistical and experimental studies, with a phylosophy of: The Less You Study, The More You Learn!