    Pinyin: fēi shā zǒu shí

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;形容风力迅猛

    Explanation: 砂土飞扬,小石翻滚。形容风力迅猛

    Source: 唐·韩鄂《岁华纪丽·风》:“飞砂走石,风则从箕,月离于毕。”

    Example: 狂风大作,~,如同骤雨。★明·罗贯中《三国演义》第90回

  • Thesaurus:  teeter, Pace A shake, not accepted, be [come in] nowhere, have difficulty walking, year in year out, in the course of time, if things continue this way, be of the remote past in days of old, Haikushilan, dust and stone fly as in storm, Lei Feng number of child, dizzy, for years, swear by the Heaven and the sun, in (the) course of time, to be as good as one's words., promise that will be kept, get half the result with twice the effort, Jingtianjidi, in days of old, For one or several years Minoru tired, In successive years Tired old, Jidejingtian, Deal, vain trip, What it preaches, to make vows or pledges repeatedly, Refers to the days of the oath, wind that carries sand and drives stones
  • Antonym Group:  Total Day await, Total days can be, Total Day can be expected, Total Day to be