Explanation: Fly, flow: distribution; short, long: that right and wrong, good and evil. Means to spread rumors, slander others. Usage: Joint type; as subject, predicate, object; containing derogatory Source: Qing Pu "Liao Feng San Niang": "When the concubine to be secret. Made those words cause trouble, Feiduanliuchang, by the bear." Examples: When the concubine to be secret, making those words cause trouble, ~, by the bear. ★ Qing Pu "Liao Feng San Niang"- Thesaurus: One's bloody mouth Jet man, start a rumour backbiting, start a rumour make trouble, make slanderous accusations, Demagogy, Crimes of violence, Never been cast, Deceive The magic, win a following with strange doctrines, heterodoxy, Fei Liu strong and weak points
- Antonym Group: glorify somebody by erecting a monument to him and writing his biography, eulogistic