Explanation: Tiger had managed to leave the hill. Compared with the original account to the other party to leave the place, so took the opportunity to act. Usage: -Linked; as the predicate attribute; for military Source: Ming Wu Cheng-en, "Journey to the West" 53 back: "I am a Tiaohulishan meter, coax you out of battle." Examples: This is of ~ measure, Deng and Wuhan faction are not agree. (Guo "Haitao _set_ Nanchang night")- Thesaurus: Invincible position, to look one way and row another, rise from one's ashes, win in the first battle, defeat one's opponent by a surprisemove, renascent, besiege Wei to rescure Zhao— relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers, news of victory keeps pouring in