      Explanation: Still cranky.
      Source: Song Zhe, "Do not Chi Chuan" Volume is not the next holy Yi Chi, said, 'royalty generation are smiling Queen Mother look like in the old Eddy Cacalia. 'Told of terror, are _set_ back a few steps. Qi does not move alone, said 'the Queen Mother will not think arbitrary amount of Hu. '"
      Examples: Qieyi have to foot all the sweep, and in between daily, slightly stand-way course, really make an effort, not so, but the days are over ~. ★ Song Xi "A Pan Wenshu book" one of the
  • Thesaurus:  idiotic nonsense, pipe dream, pipe dream, eat the air, shear ghost tale, Hell day, dream, have a head full of bees, thoughts thronging one's mind, train of thought multifarious, unimaginably queer, freak, Presumptuous The like, You think cage, Pipedream a dream, Nanke dream(from the story of a man who dreamed that he became governor of Nanke in the Kingdom of the Ants); illusory joy; fond dream, Huainan, a dream, Absurd to-day open, Zhibingshizao, A pillow Huai An, A pillow yellow beam, fool's paradise, Golden Millet Dream (from the story of a poor scholar who dreamt that he had become a high official but awoke to find only the pot of millet still cooking on the fire), A pillow Handan, Crazy dream, fancy, fond dream
  • Antonym Group:  be at a loss; be confused and without a clue; tangled, Indiscriminate and inkling