Explanation: The strength of bundles of chicken. Analogy frail and weak. Usage: Partial official; as subject, object; often used in conjunction with hands-free Source: Natural crazy old man out, "Stone nodded": "Weekdays only read and write, embroidery Miaohua, physically very weak." Examples: Weekdays only read and write, embroidery Miaohua, hand-free ~. (Ming natural crazy old man, "Stone nodded Hou Jian Qiu official County woman martyr")- Thesaurus: to kick against the pricks, One's limited pewer Thin only
- Antonym Group: consider sth.as it stands, Avoid its elan, hit the idle return, Avoid the virtual strike, stay clear of the enemy's main force and, avoid Haymaker ebb, To avoid the strong attacking the weak, avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, Refuge It can be easily, Increasingly easy to asylum