Explanation: Stare: staring eyes; men can answer: no less than tilt off the tongue. Alice stared speechless tongue. Describe distress or stunned look Usage: Joint type; as predicate, complement; for written language Source: SD State amount "recorded with Night Tan": "In a whisper why, the son of taken aback and lay hidden knock Rucang Jun fine, fine Jun men can answer stare." Examples: When he asked each student, other students had to Qinger listen, pay attention to the clues around the plot, or suddenly asked, they can not help but ~ I do not know the answer. (Fen "experience")- Thesaurus: Aikoushixiu, Be too embarrassed to mention knowledge shame, sit still waiting for death, hide one's teeth, dumb, Speechless, hem and haw, silent keep silent, be condemned on one's own showing, reticence, ponder mutistic, in the turning of a hand, desolate and uninhabited, open one's eyes wide tongue-tied, speechless, untraversed, insignificant desolation, Abdomen with cuirass, Shut up tongue-tied, (literally) as silent as a winter cicada--to say or reveal nothing (especially, absolute quiet, sectarian bias, Dispute portal, insignificant Vacant footprint, keep one's mouth shut, a wicked plot, resign oneself to extinction, there is no escape, tease uniform, Statements of a, A little while, hold one's breath stationary air, twinkle, in the turn of a hand, Wan Lai silent, die ten thousand deaths age, No flying from the fate., One of the words, Dumb aphonia, Ma chilling battle, calm wordless, second, reticent, flash, vergence
- Antonym Group: One long, one short, like a talkshot, gossip, a stroke of luck, music amid, Bored, Enjoyable, a hubbub of voices, A large mixed population, agreement is difficult if there are too many people, people bustling and horses neighing, Endless luxury luxury, Sarcastic comments, cool and sarcastic remark go-between, have an original view or opinion, Ingenuity, chatter without stop, exhausted and hoarse (as a result of haranguing, crying, etc.), thousands and thousands of words, Language million thousand words, rebut or rebuke with sarcastic remarks, recriminate, Fameng Zhen Kui, Deliver Ying Ting, heaven helps a good man; heaven keeps the good out of harm's way, (the) smiles of fortune, talk on and on foolishly and tediously endlessly, nag; say over and over again; constantly repeat, Shikuchuisheng, earth-shaking changes, shout oneself hoarse, Noise and Vibration forest, Multi calendar number of years, gossipy and meddlesome, unusually lucky, outcry, natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides, snafu, blarney, climb up the ladder, Shan Kwong water, Chonglunhongyi, Chonglunchuyi, ringing comments or statements, a very plausible tongue, artful words and insinuating countenance, after a long lapse of time, Insulting words _Set_ speech, Earthshaking, A sense of heaven and earth, soar on the wings of a cyclone, Boshinongfei, rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing, flag one's tops and beat one's tongue, sistrum, dense willow trees and bright flowers-feel hopeful in predicament, Climb step by step, Promoting to a higher position, Par stacked heel, Shoulder to shoulder Stack trace, niosy, great happiness, landscape of lakes and hills, Commit statement advise frankly, speak (out) in meeting, know Without exception speech, earth-shattering and heaven-battering, Keyaliaozui, yack, unfailing, Green water green hill, have a nimble tongue, Since the loom, Since the crankshaft, flannel, garrulous and sharp-tongued, Garrulous Cheap tongue, high ranking official grandee, Daigo Initiation, Rend the air Shake to, Deafening, even fowls and dogs are not left in peace be greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox, good luck Gao Zhao