Explanation: Careless work, not careful. Usage: Joint type; as Complement, attributive; containing derogatory Source: Qing Shi Yukun "Chivalric Heroes" 76 back: "Whenever a bit all hands, the villain will not use him." Examples: Whenever a little ~, the villain will not use him. (Qing Shi Yukun "Chivalric Heroes" seventy-sixth back) Results: Wear leather gloves to wear leather socks Postscript: Wear leather gloves to wear leather socks Riddle: Eat camel foot- Thesaurus: s clothes, incaution, Flighty and impatient Qizao, Careless Flotation, flighty and impatient coarse temperament, proud and arrogant, neglect, listlessness, culpa, Fail do cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition, don't cause (sb/sth) to be in a certain condition, slip, fail or neglect to do sth