Explanation: Wherever he went, no do not go well. Means everything works, run very well. Usage: Contraction type; as predicate; with a compliment, referring to works everywhere Source: Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror" Fortunately, today, ninety-back Pindao scrubbed all the more dirt, then a bright, a non-waste, given the drawbacks of you talented woman. "- Thesaurus: as stable as Mount Tai, safe in life and limb, Emerged unscathed, Enron as before, speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest, vast happiness, One's star is in the ascendant., walkover, Unexpected reputation, Fuxing Road,, adios, ,plain `sailing course of action that is simple and free from trouble, plain sailing
- Antonym Group: meeting repeated difficuities, A new wave arose when the previous one had barely subsided, Tao fierce storms, have notice to quit, Good Things, hard to fall asleep, hang by a hair, Rosy clouds Fugitive, storm and stress, Precarious, North Korea does not consider Xi, North Korea does not consider past, North Korea does not plan on the eve, cutter jitney