Pinyin: fàng fàn liú chuò
Usage: 联合式;作谓语;指没有礼貌
Explanation: 歠:喝,饮。大口吃饭,大口喝汤。旧指没有礼貌。
Source: 先秦·孟轲《孟子·尽心上》:“放饭流歠,而问无齿决,是之谓不知务。”
- Thesaurus: fail to see the larger issues, Lacklustre Such as beans, Dobbin be unwilling to leave one's official post bean, Xiaolianqujin
- Antonym Group: disregard trifles, niceties, etc., disorder, open one's eyes; broaden one's horizons; be an eye-opener, Jang insight, abandonment the human skeleton or body, cynicism, Dangjianyuxian, Dangjianyuxian, flirtation, toe the line engage in social activities