      Explanation: Sadness, joy, discrete, party. Refers to a variety of life experiences and the resulting situation of the various mood.
      Usage: Joint type; as subject, object; describe the sorrow of life, joy and other emotions
      Source: Song Su "Prelude to Water Bing-Chen for the Mid-Autumn Huanyin Cipian Titan drunk and cup from the" word: "people have sorrow and joy, on a lack of yin yang eyes, this old hard the whole."
      Examples: Yellow familiar with the old boatman, that happened here for decades vicissitudes, ~.
  • Thesaurus:  not make chalk of one and cheese of the other, opinion that holds true, a matter of course, joys and sooows are sour, sweet, bitter and hot, behove, separation and reunion Joys and sorrows, worldly wisdom, humanity changes in temperature&mdash, reasonable, Turn about is fair play., the way of the world, inconsistancy of human relation ships, Humanity The regular
  • Antonym Group:  conduct life, see through body, all space-directions are void, Tianliburong, God's law justice is manifest, intolerable justice, stand demmed by God, gorblimey, the way one gets along with people, No heart Distracting thoughts, be disillusioned with the mortal world; see through the vanity of life, establish oneself and manage to get along in the world, be free from things of the world, Aloof as things