Explanation: Though very far apart, but nearly as neighbors. Usage: The main predicate; as object, attribute; that a good relationship between the two Source: Tang Wang Bo, "free of any government Du Shu State" Poetry: "A bosom friend is that beautiful."- Thesaurus: to the point, give the essentials in simple language; important statement need not be prolix, very near as if just a few feet away, Narrow strip of water, Near the as close to the eye as the eyebrows and eyelashes, tangle, distance can't keep you two apart, very close amongst, Across the water
- Antonym Group: superfluous words and sentences, babble, in the four corners of the earfh, talk about this and that, messy; sloppy; slovenly; drag through mud and water, at great length, emptiness, And pages tissue, Red tape, Of pages of Du, floods of ink, Even sometimes of prodigious compilation, screed, Fuzhuixuanyou