      Explanation: Pay to achieve. Old refers to the down and out life, aspirations did not materialize on the senile. Have not achieved that vision died.
      Usage: The main predicate; as the predicate attribute, clause; describe the aspirations did not materialize
      Source: Tang Li-frequency "Spring Sigui" three feet of sword their dreams, home empty every thousand mountains. "
      Examples: These feelings blazing poetry, to express the feelings of resentment ~.
  • Thesaurus:  fall short of success for lack of a final effort, be irrevocally lost as sth. is thrown into the eastward flowing stream, all one's efforts wasted, There's many a slip between the cup and the lip; fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success, Guilengzhichuang
  • Antonym Group:  You pays your money and takes your choice., Jinru wish, be in one's element (like fish in water), sit pretty, try to find humanity and finally get if, fruits fall off when ripe— things will be easily settled when conditions are ripe, Guashushengluo, win instant success