Pinyin: tóng xīn bìng lì
Usage: 联合式;作谓语、状语;含褒义
Explanation: 团结一致,共同努力。
Source: 汉·贾谊《过秦论下》:“且天下尝同心并力而攻秦矣,然困于险阻而不能进者。”
Example: 宋·苏轼《策别十三》:“有寇而战,则~。”
- Thesaurus: fall into step (with), share the same bed and sleep together, Both parties are willing, eat one's cake and have it, My best as one, be of one mind join hands, take the interests of the whole into account, Frank and honest Xiangdai, Arrived in foot Erwo
- Antonym Group: Wishful thinking, My Opinion, unilateral willingness, Talent Two missing, loss both the beauty and her possessions, Wanrouyichuang, cut out a piece of one’ s flesh to cure a boil, cut out a piece of flesh to patch a boil; rob one's belly to cover one's back, Net geese fly water, Shuijing'efei, Water to make flying geese, Shuijing'efei, Liaochuangwanrou, Different ways, do not phase plan, Which do not phase plan, all is lost as the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken; come out emptyhanded