      Explanation: Cici: talkative look. Words to describe chatter, endless.
      Usage: Supplemental; for the predicate; describe the way much to say
      Source: Tang and Han Yu, "Foreign workers sent Yin order": "out desolate desolate, with poor separation of color. Who was Ruzhi provinces, Ding Ning Gu Bizi, language spiked endlessly."
      Examples: You just listen to him yesterday that a "but good deeds, and Mowen future", then do not afraid of people dislike, ~, to know he Suri absurd behavior. (Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror," the eighty-fourth back)
  • Thesaurus:  nag; say over and over again; constantly repeat, Endless luxury luxury, have a nimble tongue, Bored, Enjoyable, music amid, yack, talk on and on foolishly and tediously endlessly, garrulous and sharp-tongued, Garrulous Cheap tongue, thousands and thousands of words, Language million thousand words, Shikuchuisheng, One long, one short
  • Antonym Group:  Qixiaruyu, Qitiruyu, banquet of brine, Tisiliulian