      Explanation: Many of the stars off the moon. Support a metaphor people respect their loved one.
      Usage: The main predicate; as predicate, object; with compliment
      Source: "Analects," is to extend moral, such as North Star, ranking it the stars were. "
      Examples: Riding on the timing of the regime change, we have ~, took him out! ★ Lao She, "Four Generations" Seven
  • Thesaurus:  be of high integrity and prestige; enjoy high prestige and command universal respect; be of noble character and enjoys high prestige, enjoy popular confidence, be advanced in years and highly respected, the popular sentiment, Favorably, an unjust cause finds scant support, Stars Gongchen
  • Antonym Group:  the direction in which people feel toward this or that regime, a just cause enjoys abundant support