    Pinyin: zhòng pàn qīn lí

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义

    Explanation: 叛背叛;离离开。众人反对,亲人背离。形容完全孤立。

    Source: 《左传·隐公四年》阻兵无众,安忍无亲,众叛亲离,难以济矣。”

    Example: 他坚持与人民为敌,以至~,死无葬身之地。

  • Thesaurus:  fall apart, discredited, break up, pain one’ s friends and please one’ s enemies, Enemy boat
  • Antonym Group:  work together with one heart (in times of difficulty), solidarity, Every barber knows that., working, fighting, etc together, Went house to house by family, from time (door/side) to time (door/side), From house to house door, Door to door, House to house,, strike root in the hearts of the people, be known to all, Door home that