Explanation: Fold, Button: sell goods, according to the percentage of minus pricing. Not discount that completely, full of meaning. Usage: Joint type; for adverbial; that no compromise Source: Mao Dun, "A Midnight": "not less than twenty years of his family life is just a glimpse of the tomb is an absolute life!" Examples: Today, women with a man as honorable ~! (Lao She's "shop girl" Act II) Riddle: Listening; original; fair trade; one hundred percent- Thesaurus: give chapter and verse for, to the backbone, keep one's own counsel, be [reach] the acme of perfection, Cheli village Chewai, from the top to the bottom, Tesshin to the bone, Tibetan form blanketing, skulk, Hide the head but show the tail, Cheneichewai, Possession of the famous, allow of no loop holes, make one's statement consistent, be completely natural without defects as the divine garments, irreproachability, blend into one integral whole, get (sth.) down to a spot, furtive, Kito Brain slide, be modest about one's talent or learning, from the word go, whole story as it had happened, to the queen’ s taste, from the beginning to the end of sth
- Antonym Group: odds and ends, do good but could not persist in, give sb. a handle for, Made public earthling, share enjoyment with those of the same taste, in disastrous state, disunited, Grantee excuse, fray; be broken up; be torn to pieces, the wells are dry and the fences are dilapidated, (a desolate scene of)broken walls, Youzhitianye, Incomplete, embellish, Dan ran Department of, Embellished, Embellished then leaves, dramatize, Eyeful Traumata, Wound-site project, Traumata eyeful, Quetoushaowei, decorate, accompaniment, give occasion for talk, People left excuse