      Explanation: Hung: huge, big. Describe the engineering major, works deep effort.
      Usage: Joint type; as subject, object, and language; describe the works of its length
      Source: Qing Liang "Eat the ice room Poetry": "the masterwork, who ran to shower, do not take out about to record it as a _set_."
      Examples: At that time, ~ such as "world literature" and "World Library" and the like, not born. (Lu Xun "且介亭杂文 final essay <translation> reopened Word")
      Riddle: Dayan Science Dictionary
  • Thesaurus:  be most incisive and vivid, affording general satisfaction, the public sentiment is satisfied, the whole world or nation joins in the jubilation, long article, Monumental work Hong articles, Hong articles monumental work, Hearty, Jietai delight, satisfying in every respect, clap hands for joy, Bravo!&rdquo