      Explanation: Metaphor of the narrow measure, vicious heart
      Usage: Joint type; as object, attribute; containing derogatory
      Source: "Tian Yu Hua," the second time: "It is the whore of the Intestinal your dog belly, does not allow people to have forced the daughter to go out."
  • Thesaurus:  narrow-minded, Rat abdominal Intestinal, Rat stomach Intestinal, insularity, Device Xiao Yi Ying, Grievance must be reported, Bargain, Yazixiaofen, about the price of sth
  • Antonym Group:  One word, in a few words, syllable, open-hearted, Duanmocanchu, broken chapters and paragraphs, Fragments Fragments, half a word; fragments of writing, Film language words, half a word, a phase or two, Lenient, leave three sides of the net open