    Pinyin: líng qī bā suì

    Explanation: 形容又零碎又乱。也指零散而没有系统的事情或没有大用的东西。

    Source: 老舍《老张的哲学》第十三今天买皮鞋,明天买白帽子。书钱花的不多,零七八碎差一点没叫我破产。”

  • Thesaurus:  Phase is not seeking, confine oneself to the old method, refuse to make progress, Respectively To Camp, Respectively To war, a group without a leader, medley, in a state of disunity like a sheet of loose sand, cit, commonage, civilian, everyman, community, mob, rabble
  • Antonym Group:  millions of people all of one mind, unity is strength, many hands make light work, It should be if the ring, Those who do not come good, Comer bad, Comer Bad Those who do not come good, Comer Bad Those who do not come good, Stream Bujue, Luo endless stream