Pinyin: zhú làng suí bō
Usage: 联合式;作定语、状语;含贬义
Explanation: 逐浪追逐浪潮;随波随顺波流。喻指一个人缺乏主见,总是随顺时尚,人云亦云。
Source: 汉·陈琳《檄吴将校部曲文》泥滞苟且,没而不觉,随波漂流,与漂俱灭者亦甚众多。”
Example: 群飞独宿水中央,~羽半伤。★陈衍《元诗纪事·宋无》
- Thesaurus: act according to circumstances, Jizhongshengzhi, Qingjishengzhi, to calculate Be serious come, heart, Human A swift wit accrue, One emergency birth control, Good ideas come at times of crisis, adaptable to changing circumstance, keep one's eyes peeled
- Antonym Group: Not account how, Nothing out of account