Pinyin: sòng jiù yíng xīn
Usage: 联合式;作主语、谓语、宾语;形容新旧交替
Explanation: 送走旧的,迎来新的。
Source: 宋·杨万里《宿城外张氏庄早起入城》:“送旧迎新也辛苦,一番辛苦两年闲。”
Example: 清·百一居士《壶天录》中卷:“朝为秦雨,暮为楚云,~,此章台之恒事也。”
- Thesaurus: Without destruction there can be no construction, eradicate and foster with the utmost vigour; utterly destroy and vigourously establish the supremacy of, get rid of the old to leave the place for the new, Chen announced a new push, discard the old ways of life in favor of the new, retrofit, exhalling the old and inhalling the new; get rid of the stale and take in the fresh, New abandoning the old pity, Lianxinyanjiu, literal: to like the new, and hate the old, Take in the fresh Spit it, Metabolism, see off the old and welcome the new, see off those who depart and welcome the arrivals, Choose the good and long, Design New translation