    Pinyin: zé yǒu yōu guī

    Usage: 主谓式;作谓语、分句;用于书面语

    Explanation: 攸所;归归属。是谁的责任,就该归谁承担。指份内的责任不容推卸。

    Source: 高阳《清宫外史》下册至于疆臣守土,责有攸归,等马尾开仗的情形,有了详细奏报,必得要论是非,定功罪。”

    Example: 至于疆臣守土,~,等马尾开仗的情形,有了详细奏报,必得要论是非,定功罪。(高阳《清宫外史》下册)

  • Thesaurus:  not decline to shoulder a responsibility, be called on, every common man has his obligation, duty-bound, Keiji be too busy, Exposure thereamong, will not refuse under any circumstances, blame Amount to return
  • Antonym Group:  deadliness, internecine, Bingtan different devices, Inimical Do not vote, as incompatible or irreconcilable as ice and hot coals, fractionate, part, ingrained animosity, at daggers drawn, The Ben affair, each pursuing his onward journey, be absurd; be entirely wrong, abroad, weird and uncanny, of no importance, fire and water incompatible, agree like cats and dogs, desert state of being irrelevant, walk out on sb., fantastic, Baloney Without, the height of folly, Gave birth to jump without