Explanation: "A new book Patent": "If the test for the room, not only hone law, Jue child is Fuken Church, moreover willing to structure?" Hole Biography: "to make room Yuzhi Zheng also. The parent has caused law, the child is reluctant to Church-based, state agencies are willing to stand House Down? "after the" Church of negative pay structure "means a succession of ancestors German industry. Source: "A new book Patent," for if the exam room, not only hone law, Jue child is Fuken Church, moreover willing to structure? "Hole mass for room Yuzhi Zheng also. The parent has caused law, the child is reluctant to church-based, state agencies are willing to stand House Down?" Examples: Shen Shou-Tai Jun's life, avoid ridicule Shilu home, ~, forget the old saying. ★ Song Wang Yucheng "gift a son can Zaichen Book Mizube Yuanwai Lang system" |