    Pinyin: yī shān lán lǚ

    Explanation: 衣服破烂。

    Source: 《左传·宣公十二年》训之以若敖、蚡冒,筚路蓝缕以启山林。”

    Example: 虽是天色和暖,那些人却也~。★明·吴承恩《西游记》第四十四回

  • Thesaurus:  like sth. the cat brought in, be on one's back, be afficted with all ills; be full of sores and ulcers; be heavily damaged; riddled with gaping wounds, have too many difficulties to cope with, await urgently necessary condition, eat one's corn in the blade, behindhand in one's circumstance, like sth. the cat brought in, not a stitch on [to] one's back (=without a stitch of clothing), Yinzhimaoliang, Create a hundred thousand holes
  • Antonym Group:  as of old, disapproval, not much, no object, not concern one, Had nothing to do, preoccupation, carpe diem; enjoy the present day,and trust the least possible to the future; have a good time while we have the chance; make merry while we can, make a long nose at sb., conformism, land bringing peace and order to, Anfenshouji, Law-abiding Shou Chang, Keep quiet, Discard worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, Abandoned if worthless thing as a pair of ragged(shabby,worn-out) shoes, absence, insecurity, have plenty of space, insouciance, follow in other people's footsteps, defy, apathy, easiness, leisure, Chuoyouyuyu, Chuo Ran superabound, enough and to spare, EXCELLENCE IN GEOTECHNICAL a margin, behave according to decorum, His predecessor, be spruce in one's dress; put on the ritz; in business suit, clothes and hat tidy, exactitude, Jianguitaju, observe the relevant code of conduct and the law and honestly perform one's official duties, Treasures fill the home, spaced out