      Explanation: When: block. Praying mantis trying to stop the car forward forelegs raised. Analogy can not do by force, bound to fail.
      Usage: The main predicate; as predicate, object; containing derogatory
      Source: Qin Zhuang "Zhuangzi Human World": "Ru-fu mantis almost do not know, anger in his arm when the rut, I do not know their incompetent also."
      Examples: Surprisingly, though the belly still far away from the profound, that arrogant, haughty disregard of others condition, but everywhere on their faces. Described as "~, presumptuous." (Qing Li Ruzhen "Flowers in the Mirror" Eighteenth back)
  • Thesaurus:  Pi Fu regret tree, overestimate one’ s strength or oneself, Lisuo cannot, kick against the pricks, Pi Fu Tai Basin, Pi Fu shake the tree, Tarzan Egg press, like an egg knocking itself against a stone, Ant Shake the tree