    Pinyin: xū yǔ wēi yí

    Usage: 偏正式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义

    Explanation: 虚假;委蛇随便应顺。指对人虚情假意,敷衍应酬。

    Source: 《庄子·应帝王》乡吾示之以未始出吾宗,吾与之虚而委蛇。”

    Example: 他也要同你~了。★闻一多《诗与批评·戏剧的歧途》

  • Thesaurus:  ingratitude, unction, gallop or trot along on horseback take up an appointment, to advance in rank and position, unction, Gown Wat enter, make allowance(s) for, Life Dishu, take office, Newcomers to, Get off at the beginning of the
  • Antonym Group:   refuse to bow to wealth and power, People cut staff, Concentric Linli, concentric join hands, Gaolaohai township, Life is full of frustrations, be fully loyal dedicate oneself to the service of one's country, pay frequent calls, Go back come oh, Anxious to return home Like arrows, anxious to return, true blue, Allegiance Chidan, allegiance consistent, loyal, unbutton one's soul, Sacrificed their lives to serve the country, Old haunt Revisiting, revisit an once familiar place, with fate adverse and circumstance unfavourable, Have died exactly the same, absolute devotion dedicate oneself to the service of one's country, fervid loyalty, pull together, be of one mind cooperate