      Explanation: Yo: frank, open look. Describe the behaviors of natural appearance.
      Usage: Partial official; as the predicate attribute, complement; with compliment
      Source: Qing Shi Yukun "Chivalric Heroes" 69 back: "Du Yong did not decline, the Tongshen changed, feel more graceful."
      Examples: For we are also very big. And his wife also ~. (Guo "Wenji" fourth act)
      Riddle: Square days of rain
  • Thesaurus:  Shenqingziruo
  • Antonym Group:   be a wolf in sheep's skin, accept while pretending to refuse; half yield and half deny; half willing(at heart)and half unwilling(in appearence), Half-truths, Nasanbansi, Take classes assume a posture, Nabanzuoshi, Take sugar for vinegar, Take Cavity assume a posture, Cavity to adjust to take, Holding chamber was potential, Zhuobanzuoshi, Mingtuianjiu, make a show of readiness to fight, bluff, Pumeishanyan, Pumeishanyan