    Pinyin: jīng jí zài tú

    Explanation: 满路都是荆棘。比喻环境困难,障碍很多。

    Source: 《左传·襄公十四年》乃祖吾离被苫盖,蒙荆棘,以来归我先君。”孔颖达疏言无道路可从,冒榛薮也,说其穷困之极也。”

    Example: 清·周茂兰《追和采芝歌》:“山有芝也,亦可采也。荆棘载途,何可扫也?”

  • Thesaurus:  Pool of sophisticated, have crossed the deep,blue sea, having experienced great changes in the world, have ebb and flow, sup sorrows by the ladleful, ado anfractuosity, Hardships, mountains are high,torrents swift
  • Antonym Group:  Go into the society Not deep, with approval of ebb and flow