      Explanation: Self-inflicted boredom distress. Mean, should not have had depressed distress.
      Source: S "Family" six he could not convince them, why should he bother to waste energy on it? "
      Examples: This is just a small mistake, you are so worried scared, really ~.
  • Thesaurus Group:  Ziyiyiqi, Ziyiyiqi
    stew in one's own juices, face the consequences of one's action, put one's neck into the noose, put one's finger in the fire, ask for it, to worry about the destiny of mankind, ask for it
  • Antonym Group:  industry fill one's pipe, Elated, Heart full of willing foot, happy and contented, leisure complacence, touch the spot, Nangengnvzhi, defiant, in the pride of one's heart