    Pinyin: qióng tú mò lù

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义

    Explanation: 形容到了无路可走的地步。

    Source: 清·文康《儿女英雄传》第五回:“你如今是穷途末路,举目无依。”

    Example: 你如今是~,举目无依。(清·文康《儿女英雄传》第五回)

    Postscript: 叫花子跳崖;霸王走乌江

    Riddle: 前面是悬崖

  • Thesaurus:  backwater, lofty or bottomless abysm, Moluqiongtu
  • Antonym Group:  Three Mountains the Five Famous Mountains in China, Arcadia, famous mountains and great rivers, Sheng Sichuan mountains, Mountain water wins, scenic spots and historical sites, God's own country, Taoyuan scenic spot, Fairyland, Blessed Cave, a land of milk and honey, Fish and rice to, Yumi township