    Pinyin: zhēn zhī zhuó jiàn

    Usage: 联合式;作宾语、定语;含褒义

    Explanation: 灼明白,透彻。正确而透彻的见解。

    Source: 明·冯梦龙《警世通言》卷三真知灼见者,尚且有误,何况其他!”

    Example: 两家之学皆深入宋儒之室,但以汉学为不可废耳,多倚墙之见,依违之言,岂~者哉!★江藩《汉学师承记·顾炎武》

  • Thesaurus:  solid learning, surge forward in billowy (powerful) wares, Mighty, in amazing colors, be foresight and possessing, make a fresh start, rally, bounce back, full of power and grandeur, on a grand scale; in a big way; with a big display of flags and drums, to give wide publicity to, Aerosphere Majestic, full of daring, full of noble aspiration and daring, The vast (of current)rushing, run high, Its might roar, rich multicoloured decorations, make a fresh start, be infuriated, nature abunds in changes, be rich and varied as rosy clouds are rising slowly, rainbow, Yang Ling feel uncertain, be rich and varied as rosy clouds are rising slowly
  • Antonym Group:  glimpses of the truth, Minor success Opinion, smatter, do not seek to understand things thoroughly, beyond the highest heavens, commit sth. to the flames, Paid Bingding, The half-comprehended, paint a picture with two brushes at the same time, How, the other, swallow a date whole, do not interfere with one another, stay, Debo Hundredfold, (I'm) lacking both in virtues and abilities (a self-derogatory expression used in polite exchanges), Chile was thin shallow, gray dark, undo, smattering, melt away disappearance of misunderstanding, Be in the dark, disappear forever, dottiness, Give the wall shoulder-length, Touch to the black days, Black lamp fire, Heidengxiahuo, Advance side by side