      Explanation: Refers to as hallucinations and paranoia resulting from a variety of misjudgment.
      Usage: The main predicate; as predicate, object, attribute; containing derogatory
      Source: The Lu Song in "mentoring magazine," Chang Wen people say ghosts are, that will be no such reason, that 疑心生暗鬼, most are Qieyao discussion. "
  • Thesaurus:  Complacence Jile, hug oneself at, glory, complacence, Humaihuyang, Airs, lay a flattering unction to one's soul, In body Jishi, To whom Italy, narcissism, go off at half cock
  • Antonym Group:  be agitated, unprincipled fellow; law-breaker, the unruly; desperado, be homeless dog; be thrown out like disowned dogs; feel lost like a stray dog, be frightened out of one's life; be scared of one's wits; in panic; be battered out of one's senses, desperado, perturbation lose one's head, the bird that has been injured by the bow, Despondent Regret it, be out of one's wits, prostrate with fear, have a lingering fear; have terror in one's heart; with unforgotten trepidition, despair belie, Frightened, In a daze Regret it, anxious be in a desperate situation, Knitted brows tears, Escape from the net Zhiyu, escape from the net Fish, look blank, seem Amount to to lose, vacancy, turn pale at the mere mention of a tiger or sth. terrible, become terror-stricken of the news