Explanation: "Han Hun pass down": "Chang Meng Teng and Chanyu and Minister Hun promise all the water in Dongshan, criminal white horse, Chanyu by path of gold left the plow blade torsion wine, the old king on the Chanyu the broken head Rouzhi those who drink from the clan for the drinking vessels. "Analysis of the Functions note cited Ying Shao said:" path, Hun sword also. gold, lease payments also. left the plow, rice dagger too. scratch, and also. lease book golden wine, Flexible mixing drink. "with the sword," path ", rice dagger" stay plow "stir wine, as the clan of the drink, is the Han Chinese and Xiongnu alliance between the _set_ of a ceremony. After the "scratch plow left wine" that the rulers of the Han dynasty, a peace treaty with the other ethnic groups. Song Wang, "Rhyming Ping Fu Xi Tong Kung from the Khitan return": "stay plow flexible wine was Rong heart, embroidered lined through Huan years deep." Song Guan, "free forest plays in Fengshi Khitan" poem: "stay plow torsion wine knowledge Hu Italy, chido Yishu see Han Love. " |