Explanation: Legend fox suspicious, so called suspicious called suspicious. Describe the mind doubts, and sometimes could not decide. Usage: Supplemental; for the predicate; containing derogatory Source: Southern Song Ban "Han Liu Biao Biography": "Table of suspicion continued, Naiqian Song Yi Cao, waiting to see the actual situation." Examples: Magistrate heard, but also from ~ up and thought to himself and said: This is something I'd admit it? (Lu Ming Dong Gu crazy life "wake up stone drunk," the third time)- Thesaurus: be in [of] two [several] minds, indecision, Worry soft indecisive, jump from job to job, full pay no attention to, free accidently, Security tight and less, go leisurely on foot is as good as riding in a chartiot, ask every passerby how to build one's house, have no idea or plan of one's own and accomplish nothing, vacillate, be patient, boggle, dither
- Antonym Group: blowup, crab, barney, din, brawling, resourceful, choler, Good and make good judgments, miff, Surgeon must cut, go up in the air, Resolutely decision, breathlessness, have bellows to mend, flustered and exasperated, very tempered, Can make good judgments, illustrious name decision, wise decision, Thunderbolt Daihatsu, storm