      Explanation: Deliberately say the right wrong, to say the wrong right.
      Usage: Verb-object type; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory
      Source: Yu Qing Tao Zeng, "the forces and their Literary Relations": "restrain cover knowledge, confusion mixed with a non."
      Examples: Those who often deliberately ~, bad influence.
      Riddle: Pit one against ten
  • Thesaurus:  to confuse black and white, pervert the truth, talk black into white, call black white, recriminate; make false countercharges; put the blame on the victim, quit love with hate, bite the hand that feeds one, to hit back at sb., To cut en justice, Sensational, alarmism, shocking; appalling, Wapiti Yi-shaped, to distort fact, Means the deer for Ma, the devil rebuking sin