Pinyin: qiú xián ruò kě
Usage: 主谓式;作谓语;含褒义
Explanation: 象口渴思饮那样访求贤士。形容罗致人才的迫切。
Source: 《隋书·韦世康传》:“朕夙夜庶几,求贤若渴,冀与公共治天下,以致太平。”
Example: ~,从柬如流。(《宋史·窦贞固传》)
- Thesaurus: very fond of talented people, When love and thirst, Love it, such as life, open all avenues for people of talent, Careers, Seeking If thirsty
- Antonym Group: practise fraud; league together for some evil end, venally, Stomach to be a good punt, Bring up Results sent, recruit deserters and traitors, Clique Than the week, Planting party batten on, form cliques for private gain, A party than the week