1. the people have no means of livelihood
  2. the hard-won possession of the people
  3. bring calamity to the country and the people
  4. harass the people and drain the treasury
  5. uncivilized people
  6. make a fresh start together with the whole nation
  7. plead in the name of the people
  8. The country flourishes and people live in peace
  9. run the country well and give the people peace and security
  10. autocrat and traitor to the people
  11. the people cannot stand the pressure of the government
  12. the people are boiling with resentment
  13. the means of the people have been used up
  14. the national economy and the people's livelihood
  15. vast land and numerous people
  16. punish the tyrant and comfort the people
  17. to love the subjects as if they were his own children (said of a ruler or official)
  18. make the country rich and stable
  19. being oppressed by officials the masses revolt against them
  20. to love all people and animals
  21. to be concerned over the fate of the nation
  22. a notice to reassure the public
  23. injure both the state and the people
  24. attain the people's trust
  25. Salvation Jimin
  26. assist one's generation to quiet the people
  27. Officials in the public emergency relief
  28. People folk
  29. As people such as injury
  30. Fu Ming An object
  31. traitor to the people bad ruler for saken by all
  32. And China have a good time together
  33. The people's livelihood State Total
  34. Home to the public sufficient
  35. Yumin a country
  36. PRA fire and water
  37. the people's livelihood hard
  38. Fu Man Hong property
  39. Duguohaomin
  40. Mingaominzhi
  41. Beetle States Harm the public
  42. Days kill people
  43. Easiness Near China
  44. civilian Haves better
  45. defile will of the people
  46. People cut staff
  47. People and in abundance
  48. Bulgaria Min
  49. People from harm
  50. Baojingximin
  51. Min'anguotai
  52. People should be Tianshun
  53. object Fu min abundant
  54. Hardship States poor
  55. Worm-eaten state disabled people
  56. People and in Nim
  57. Wealthy and strong country
  58. Wealthy and powerful
  59. Oi Wei days
  60. Weitian to be mindful of the people's hardships
  61. Sick people harm the country
  62. Duzhengbingmin
  63. Bingminguguo
  64. Unruly Of China
  65. Disabled people to succeed
  66. Cruelty pests
  67. Huoshiwumin
  68. Affinity with the people
  69. Cutting crime, people hanging
  70. Bring humiliation to the country Garden path
  71. Solutions for China be in sore straits as hanging by the feet
  72. A lesser nation Guamin
  73. content Fu min quiet
  74. In the wrong way Of China
  75. Yongzhengaimin
  76. Yimin with the vulgar
  77. Shuzhanglimin
  78. Days of food for the people
  79. China objects Fu Xi
  80. China Yin Guofu
  81. Scaling new heights
  82. Yasukuni Fumin
  83. Respect Emperor
  84. Obsessions Aimin
  85. myriad people utter misery
  86. Benefit the country ride out
  87. Pesticides with the people
  88. demos bailey
  89. The whole people Are troops
  90. Paul in the letter people
  91. The people have been deficient
  92. burgess literature
  93. China Yin Fu Finance
  94. the Chinese people sallow
  95. country Fumin abundant
  96. Morale Not I.
  97. Beetle country down the garden path
  98. Sukeyo long China
  99. country Fumin quiet
  100. Care Public distress
  101. ravage the people
  102. Yi of China Customs
  103. Section with the Oi Man
  104. Jingshouminshi
  105. Respect Oi
  106. Civil Revolt
  107. Protect the country and people
  108. Of China established social custom
  109. Minbuweisi
  110. the people's livelihood utter misery
  111. The people's livelihood In the ground
  112. Finance charges of labor people
  113. Haves Yumin
  114. The common people Of China
  115. Beetle Disease of China
  116. Duzhenghaimin
  117. Residues harm people management
  118. Poor infertile people
  119. China Yin Fu Choi
  120. Waste of public action
  121. Waste of financial costs
  122. s country Garden path
  123. For country and people
  124. content Fu min health
  125. Days kill people
  126. As people such as child
  127. Bring humiliation to the country Exterminate the people
  128. Man Chun custom thick
  129. People expensive light
  130. Beetle china Terrier G
  131. Yu Kunitari China
  132. Tianzhilinmin
  133. the people utter misery
  134. the state the people
  135. Beetle states Chew Man
  136. Get people more widely
  137. Blockhead Anzhi
  138. people regard food as their prime want; food the first necessity of man
  139. Country and the people in fire and water
  140. Serving State
  141. Prince break the law, the common people with the crime
  142. Against the people of the mouth, even in the anti-Chuan