    Pinyin: bǐ jiān jiē zhǒng

    Usage: 联合式;作谓语、定语;形容人多拥挤或接连不断

    Explanation: 肩碰肩,脚跟脚。形容人多拥挤或接连不断

    Source: 清·戴名世《<小学论选>序》:“天下之谬悠庸烂者,比肩接踵,不可胜数。”

  • Thesaurus:  crowded conditions, cheek-to-jaw, cheek-to-jaw, overwhelm, flow, heavy traffic, Rough Not through, hustle and bustle, abustle, head gathered and moving, coming and going busily.
  • Antonym Group:  1 through 100-pass, prospect infinitude, dead hours, lead through at random, (a country) vast in territory and rich in natural resources, with much land and few people; small population for a large area; vast and sparsely populated area, Were diluted to mine, dead hours, (in) the quiet of the late night, the dead of the night deep at night, (said of a country) very large, vast land and numerous people, amplitude scope of operation, all is quiet in the dead of night, deep at night the dead of the night, Lanna people more static, Haikuo Skies, Miaowu human footmarks(或footprints), Changhang come to (a standstill/an end/light/no harm/the rescue of), move freely and continuously, esp within a closed system, Menqian snub, one can catch sparrows on the door steps of a house where visitors are few and far between, Queue, gate and courtyard snub