1. make oneself conspicuous
  2. create what is new
  3. to eulogize each other
  4. High self-standard trees
  5. Since the standard set high
  6. High reputation from the standard
  7. Marked differences with the cutting
  8. The new record marked differences
  9. Were marked annals of history
  10. Power standard legacy
  11. Receive different standards of new
  12. Sibiaobaichan
  13. Standard branch deer
  14. Biaoqingduoqu
  15. New competition marked differences
  16. Different vertical scale of new
  17. Mistake Yan standard
  18. Isolated standard to look down upon the world, people, etc.
  19. Standard mistaken Yen
  20. out of the ordinary
  21. Isolated standard have no rival
  22. Annals of history Standard name