Explanation: Have a beginning, and an end. Can persist in the end to get a job. Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute, complement; with compliment Source: Ming Shinai "Tales," but only say the twenty-second back, and he is really a real man, from beginning to end, the loose ends so I now only when the disease is cured, he went to go over him. "- Thesaurus: keep on carving unflaggingly, grind mortar into a needle, dripping water can wear through a stone, perseverance will prevail, carry sth.through to the end, Little chips light great fires., spot fire _set_ the prairie ablaze, Online games it spot fire __set__ the prairie ablaze
- Antonym Group: towering conflagration, fire set the prairie ablaze, Set the prairie ablaze Trend, set the prairie ablaze raging flames