Explanation: Means unclear, unclear. Usage: Joint type; as predicate, adverbial; containing derogatory Source: Qing Wen Kang "Heroic Biography" Diba Hui: "You again buried the girl was a Man of intestinal ambiguous, I Anlong Barbara to apologetic media no land!" Examples: Wuhan National Government and the military in power adopted a ~ for which the attitude of rebellion, do find "of the event as a minor." (Tao Ju Yin "History of the Northern Warlords Period")- Thesaurus: be ambiguous and vague; tergiversation, Dubious, bedimming, start sth. but fail to carry it through, extravagant; be wasteful; spend with a free hand, soft in the head, anticlimax, (to utter, do, etc. something) all of a sudden, abruptly, or inexplicably, one's likes and dislikes caducity, disarray, have a beginning but no end, A collapse blindness, imbroglio, number of things mixed together without order, muck-up
- Antonym Group: That business as usual, A consistent, foreknowledge, Constant effort yields sure success, do well from start to finish, With a strong will power, nothing is impossible, persevere, Little chips light great fires., spot fire _set_ the prairie ablaze, start off and finish, Have started a Death, carry sth.through to the end, dripping water can wear through a stone, meticulous job, grind mortar into a needle, grind through an inkstone, long years of study, pinch -nies, economize to avoid running short, perseverance will prevail, Online games it spot fire __set__ the prairie ablaze, Time tries all., Tiechuchengzhen, an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle, Jemmy Grind in acu-, keep on carving unflaggingly