Explanation: Claim to do. Wisdom and ability have been exhausted. Usage: Joint type; as the predicate attribute; containing derogatory Source: "Historical Records" to do this can claim to know the ear, the end does not carry spare and let the wealth. " Examples: Chinese envoy Lu Cheng-hsiang, etc., ~, a last resort, and will again in protest, state opinions. ★ Caidong Fan, Xu hut Father "Romance of the Republic of popular" three times the first 0- Thesaurus Group: Total poor exhausted, Total poor power to do, one's literary talent is at an ebb; have lost one's talent; one's inpiration has dried up, Jiang Yan to have exhausted one's talent, Only Exhaust chile exhausted
scary, thrill, hesitate anxiously, Alarmed, feel alarmed; be in a state of axiety, be greatly perplexed, The will of the people anxious, be in most uncomfortable position like having spikes in the back, everyone feels insecure, Be worried about Diaodan, to lose composure - Antonym Group: very well-to-do (usually said of large inherited wealth), person distinguished from the common run, free from restraint, free and easy, insouciance, lightheartedness, insouciance, Happy complacence, Clank Jiaojiao, leisurely and carefree mood