    Pinyin: yūn tóu zhuàn xiàng

    Usage: 主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;用于人

    Explanation: 晕头发昏;转向辨不清方向。头脑发晕,辨不清方向。形容糊里糊涂或惊惶失措。

    Source: 周而复《上海的早晨》第三部五十巧珠奶奶听得晕头转向。完全出乎她的意料之外,儿子居然变了,而且变得这么快!”

    Postscript: 双拳击了太阳穴


  • Thesaurus:  not know whether one is coming or going, to feel exhausted both mentally and physically, lose one's bearings, prostration, exhaustion, be seized with a panic
  • Antonym Group:  Strong body and strong, Develop Inspector Li-, Develop Tao-Li, Rejuvenate Lizhuang, in the prime of one’ s life, Eyes empty seas, lustiness, in good feather, Ryoma mercury