      Explanation: Refers to the fingers; flexion bending. Sit there straight but also to count the number of fingers. Describe the number of lot.
      Usage: The main predicate; as predicate, object, complement; describe the quantity
      Source: Qing Chen Kangqi "Lang hidden mind smell the" dormant feelings toward the minister wins, means very bent. "
      Examples: "Spring," meaning, not to Fuming speech king, not to the Family speech Wang Shi. Like this, ~. ★ Qing Zeng Pu, "Flower" first return
  • Thesaurus:  too many to be enumerated, too many to be counted; innumerable, their name is legion, be too numerous to list, people like those are not lacking; quite a few such people, Than the house can be closed, Bibi alike, Raise the eyes Are all, thousands uponthousands, Accumulate as (if) Mountain, an army 500, 000 strong numerous, hundreds upon thousands, be all over the sky all over the plains, hundreds upon thousands, Tens of thousands of, lie in a heap